hello & goodbye...

Hello friends!  We are sorry about the absent posts last week...we have recently realized that 2 full time jobs, 2 tots, 2 dogs, 1 hamster and a love of blogs is way too much on our plate.  So we've decided to cut back...we thought about giving the kiddos away but that seemed a bit too harsh :)  We are going to take a break from L&F...we need to dedicate more time to our family and the other important things around us.  It may be few a few weeks, months, or years that you don't hear from us very often.  We may do a few posts here and there, but nothing consistent or scheduled.

We have some really fun things happening in our lives and we will share those as they happen but we wanted to let our fab followers know what to expect from our humble little blog in the next few months...

I also intend on sharing the entire "Getting Organized" list so that you all who started it can keep going!

We have made some unbelievable friends through L&F and we will always keep in touch!  You can still contact us through email at ladybirdandfellow@yahoo.com and I will continue to check it often.  This blog has been such a blessing to me as a creative outlet, diary, record book, and I have always loved checking out your blogs as inspiration!  

Thanks for the love all!  Check us out periodically for updates here and there...take care and best wishes!!
Lindsay "Ladybird" & Jeremiah "Fellow"